Unsound Lab 2019
Taking place on 5th and 6th October 2019, Unsound Lab 2019 is a two day music industry workshop for beginner agents and managers, with a focus on those based in Poland, Central and Eastern Europe, to help address the disparity in international representation of artists from this region.
Mentors have been selected as a result of our own experience, with classes led by people working in booking, management and publishing agencies, journalists, lawyers, and artist support institutions. We’ve had the pleasure to work with all of them and feel their practical knowledge will be helpful to anyone aspiring to build a career in the music industry. The professionals will also be available for individual consultation.
If you have any additional questions, please write to [email protected]
This two-day intensive programme for a relatively small group of participants is a good introduction to an extensive day programme offering unique, direct meetings with artists from all over the world as well as discussions on the socio-cultural aspects of the music market. The day programme will include several discussions that will be included in cooperation with the Unsound Lab programme and will be addressed to its participants.
9.30am / Program introduction and presentation
The Unsound Lab program opens with a presentation by Małgorzata Płysa, Unsound Festival's executive director, who in addition to organising the festival is also the director of Unsound Productions. The presentation will focus on her international work as the manager of U.S. artist Jlin, Slikback from Kenya and others, as well as being the agent for large scale music, A/V and dance productions developed by Unsound. Małgorzata Płysa will discuss the challenges and potential of international networks, taking into account her experience of working within the Polish music market.
10.45am / Discussion and Q&A: Agent, booker or a friend - the challenges of working for a booking agency
Representatives of several different booking agencies will talk about their professional paths and the biggest challenges in their daily work. Most importantly, they will advise on how to create an offer for international festivals, club promoters and what to pay attention to when writing to promoters and curators, and how to develop a network of contacts to best present your artists. Participants include:
- Brandon Rosenbluth – Littlebig Agency (Berlin)
- Keira Sinclair - Poly (London)
- Frankie Decaiza Hutchinson – Discwoman (New York)
- Katarzyna Stuczyńska - Annex Agency (London)
- Moderator: Lisa Blanning - music journalist and agent at Kontra Musik (Berlin)
The panel discussion will last for roughly 50 minutes. About 45 minutes will be planned for an open discussion with the participants of the workshop - questions sent earlier are welcome.
1pm / Discussion: What makes a good manager?
Artist management involves much more than organising a concert tour. A good manager creates various opportunities for their artists to develop - they select the right agencies, look for opportunities to sell music (publishing/advertising), and find work related to film, dance and theatre. Selected representatives of European agencies share advice and discuss with workshop participants. Participants include:
- Toby Donelly - manager, Act Management (Londyn)
- Gosia Płysa – manager, Unsound Productions (Kraków)
- Mattis With - menager, A&R at Young Turks
- Moderator: Lisa Blanning
The panel discussion will last for roughly 50 minutes. About 45 minutes will be planned for an open discussion with the participants of the workshop - questions sent earlier are welcome.
3.30pm / Success stories and challenges - presentations of Polish artists
This discussion includes Polish artists who have managed to break through internationally. They will talk about their beginnings, successes and greatest challenges. Participants include:
- Resina (Karolina Rec-Jarmulska)
- Lutto Lento (Lubomir Grzelak)
- Wacław Zimpel
- Moderator : Lisa Blanning
The panel discussion will last for roughly 50 minutes. About 45 minutes will be planned for an open discussion with the participants of the workshop - questions sent earlier are welcome.
5.15pm / Individual work with mentors
Before the workshops, participants in the programme will have the opportunity to submit their projects - connected to artists they represent or new ideas they wish to work on. They may get answers to some of their questions during the first day of the programme, but if not the mentors they have chosen will be available to offer advice.
9.30am / Presentation and Q&A: Intellectual property rights and international agreements for artists and their agents
Victoria Wood, a lawyer representing the British law firm Statham Gill Davis, will give a presentation on how to protect the interests of artists performing in the international arena from a legal perspective. This will include advice on important factors when signing international agreements, as well as how to protect the intellectual property of artists you represent.
11.30am / Publishing, film score and synchronisation - presentation and discussion
Publishing contracts account for a large proportion of artist revenues, allowing them to monitor royalties and seek opportunities to license their works for advertising, film and other works. Presentation by Danielle Wade of Decca (Universal).
1.15pm / How to seek support for your artists and expand your contact base. A presentation and discussion in partnership with Music Export Poland
A series of presentations by institutions continually supporting artists from Poland and the Polish music industry. Each institution has about 20-30 minutes to present its activities and the ways they help artists. Representatives of the following institutions will take part:
- Tamara Kamińska (Music Export Poland)
- Magdalena Doksa Tvrberg (UMK)
- Michał Hajduk (Instytut Adama Mickiewicza)
4.30pm / It’s on the tip of my tongue. Writing workshop with a Resident Advisor journalist
How to write a good bio, press release or article about an artist? During this two-hour workshop, Resident Advisor journalist Will Lynch will guide the participants through the basics of a music journalist's toolkit.