Ripple Eecfft
16 Oct | 19:00


Two Polish acts working within classical and post-classical music. Until now, Stefan Wesolowski is best known for composing string arrangements for Jacaszek’s "Treny". Tonight he launches his own album "Liebestod” on Important Records, presenting a haunting sound that draws on post-classical elements, electronics and field recordings. His band features trombone, tuba and cello, with Stefan on piano, violin and electronics. Kwadrofonik is a unique ensemble comprised of two pianists and two percussionists, one of the few such quartets in the world; the instruments exchange function in a fascinating way, with pianos often treated percussively and percussion instruments becoming the melodic focus.

Synagoga Tempel
Miodowa 24,
  • Stefan Wesołowski
  • Kwadrofonik

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