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The opening of Cybercafé, exploring the problematic continuum between authenticity and inauthenticity in algorithmic environments through personalised post-fictional identities. At Nerdka, in the ruins of a cybercafé in a decaying courtyard, guests will be given access to pre-set computer interfaces that include social-media accounts, search histories, communicator conversations and downloaded software. These serve as portals to a post-rave VRchat metaverse room, playing with the elusive line between user autonomy and dispossessed commodified online identities. A website will provide additional theoretical texts, diagrams and a guidebook related to the project. The installation is open everyday until Saturday the 16th from 3pm - 7pm.

The Cybercafé is created by the following team:

Arek Dec – a curator and artist based in Kraków, he is the co-founder of the Jak Zapomniec collective and gallery. He has participated in such exhibitions as Sul sul, Green Gay from Far Away and Cała Polska at BWA Wrocław. The winner of the Krakowski Salon Sztuki award in 2020, he also performed a concert during the second edition of the Nadmiar festival. 

Paweł Korzeb, Patrick Leftwich – theoreticians from HOMAR, a Kraków-based research unit investigating contemporary tendencies in continental philosophy (accelerationism, neorationalism, theories of non-human intelligence) and experimenting with various media in relation to theory and philosophical writing. The ollective has taken part in a variety of transdisciplinary projects, such as Synthetic Intimacy (collab. with Brutaż), Outro Cuteness (for Arsenał Gallery in Białystok), and a panel with Maggie Roberts (Orphan drift) at Lava Festival

Jeremiasz Rzenno – a designer and researcher generally assembling people, ideas and cables. In 2020 he graduated with a Masters in Design & Citizenship at The Glasgow School of Art with a practice-based research thesis. Together with his life/work partner Kat Zavada, he organises Nadmiar/Excess – a contemporary art and experimental music festival. He was previously part of the editorial board of, a peer-reviewed design journal. 

Kat Zawada – digital art curator, cyber-kmieciówa* and spirited technocrat ◔ᴗ◔. Sometimes based in the UK, sometimes based in Poland.