Discussion: Cała siła, jaką czerpię na życie / All the Strength I Have for Living

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Discussion: Cała siła, jaką czerpię na życie / All the Strength I Have for Living


In 2020, the Research Centre for LGBT+ History and Identities at the University of Warsaw together with the Heinrich Boell Foundation organised a diary contest addressed to the Polish queer community, who wrote about the obstacles they face in everyday life and their pursuit of happiness against the odds. As a result, an archive was compiled and two books were published, narrating contemporary Poland from a queer perspective in an exceptionally vivid and diverse way. Following a live reading of some of the texts, journalist and art critic Agata Pyzik will lead an intimate conversation with two of the authors, Olga Górska and Tomasz Janota, and two of the book’s editors, Julia Bednarek and Łukasz Mikołajewski. This discussion is in English.