Mark Van Hoen & Maria Minerva
Mark Van Hoen, born in London, England, began recording his own music in the early 80′s inspired by German and British electronic music from the decades that preceded. In 1993, seminal electronic dance label R&S records signed Mark who then began to release a dense catalog of acclaimed and influential releases throughout the 90′s, under his own name, as well as Locust. 2012 sees the release of 'The Revenant Diary' on Editions Mego, a singular but accesible album that contemporises his distinctive dark and earthy electronic music.
"Maria Minerva is myself as my own little sister, born out of need to do whatever. Maria Minerva has not heard of HQ recording. Maria Minerva has not heard that postmodernism is passe. Maria Minerva wishes she was born in the 1980s and born again in the 1990s."