Denis Kolokol/Tomek Chołoniewski Duo & Nate Wooley
Denis Kolokol is Ukrainian-born but currently lives and works in Kraków, Poland. He started writing his own music in 2006 with the means of a computer. He has worked as an organizer for festivals of experimental music, as well as creating interactive sound-systems for theater. He was an artist in residence in 2008 at SME at the Academy of Music in Kraków, Poland, at CalArts in California in 2009 and 2012 (via CECArtsLink), and at Map Extension, Huesca, Spain 2011. He innitiated the Volume duo in 2006, which become a trio in 2010. Denis tries to combine non-intersecting or even opposite things: interactivity with algorithmic composition, granular synthesis with sound poetry, etc. His own voice is his material, while his body is the only controller.
Tomek Chołoniewski completed his studies with the highest honors at the Academy of Music in Krakow. His interests are particularly focused on improvised music. He cooperated with the Beethoven's Orchestra, with whom he participated in many premiere performances in Poland, Holland, Germany and Italy. He has performed a number of times at the Krakow Audio Art Festival and in a series of concerts of electronic music run by the Electroacoustic Music Studio in Krakow.
Nate Wooley was born in 1974 in Clatskanie, Oregon, a town of 2,000 people in the timber country of the Pacific Northwestern corner of the U.S. He began playing trumpet professionally with his father, a big band saxophonist, at the age of 13. His time in Oregon, a place of relative quiet and slow time reference, instilled in Nate a musical aesthetic that has informed all of his music making for the past 20 years, but in no situation more than his solo trumpet performances.