
The key man in Bristol’s dubstep scene, Pinch is a DJ and producer, and the artist behind Qawwali and Punisher. In 2007 he released a dubstep album, a concept still in its early days of existence. Rather than simply string together a compilation of 12”s and re-edits, Pinch went to the studio and gathered vocalists, immersing himself in the idea of the album as a format and complete vision. The results, Underwater Dancehall, mark what's been described as one of the strongest statements of the dubstep genre to date, along with the work of Burial, Skream, Benga and Kode 9. Pinch is also the owner of the Tectonic label, which releases the work of producers such as 2562, Skream and Peverilist, as well as Pinch’s own tracks.


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