
Piotr Kurek presents Smartwoods with video by Tomasz Kowalski
Taking his cues from early and post-medieval composition, baroque and experimental jazz, Warsaw-based multi-instrumentalist and composer Piotr Kurek doesn't shackle himself to the past, instead using experimental digital techniques to propose an uncanny possible future. His music is centered on the human voice – something best witnessed on the theatrical Peach Blossom (2023) – but Kurek has an innate ability to dance between the organic and the artificial, smearing his lush instrumentation into expressionistic electro-acoustic portraits on World Speaks and propagating shapeshifting, hypnagogic root systems on the acclaimed Smartwoods. For Unsound, he teams up with Belgian musicians, including bass player Federico Stocchi.
The show will feature visuals by Polish artist Tomasz Kowalski, responsible for the Smartwoods album art and the visual identity of Unsound Brussels.