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Photo of MOPCUT



Made up of freewheeling US-based experimental vocalist Audrey Chen, idiosyncratic French guitarist Julien Desprez and versatile percussionist Lukas König, MOPCUT is a three-headed noise behemoth. Each artist is already well established in their respective fields: Chen has racked up collaborations with figures as diverse as Maria Chavez, Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø and John Book; Desprez has been spotted sharing the spotlight with Mats Gustafsson, Han Bennink, Jeff Parker and Jeanne Added; and König has played alongside Klangforum Wien, Elvin Brandhi and Maja Osojnik. Together, MOPCUT trim their expertise into an unfamiliar style, playing with volume, length and color to root the intensity. Genre's not a consideration here – it's sheer chaos.
