Unsound Releases Daytime Discourse Programme Schedule and Final Names for Music Programme

Unsound starts in Kraków in less than two weeks, on October 1. The full programme schedule including the daytime discourse programme is now on our website, as well as the new Unsound app on iOS and Android, devised to make it easier to navigate events during the festival. Weekly and Long Weekend passes are now sold out, but you can still purchase 3-night Unsound Club passes and tickets to some individual events. (Check the end of this news – and the schedule – for details regarding specific events.)
The final artists to be added to the lineup include a premiere live show from Poland’s Piernikowski called Beyond the Echo of Time, and DJ sets from Olof Dreijer – formerly of The Knife, this year with a release on Hessle Audio; Lisbon’s Nídia – a day after the release of her new album on Príncipe; and OKO DJ from Paris, whose sets showcase her impeccable taste for the weird and the wonderful.
Conceived and curated with AIAD - our Artificially Intelligent Artistic Director – Unsound in(ter)ventions will take place throughout the week, and include Warsaw sound and visual artist Anna Zaradny; French guitarist and performer Julian Desprez; Kraków saxophonist Paulina Owczarek; Swiss composer and sound artist Tobias Koch; and Ukrainian musician Heinali presenting Synthtap with Kraków tap dancer Beata Kędzia-Sowa. The Machine Listening Songbook will thread its way through the festival, exploring speech decomposition and voice-cloning, with a nod to the legacies of Dada and concrete poetry.
We’ve also added a closing party on Sunday October 8 in the former strip club beneath Hotel Forum, where Unsound once had a club called 89. The lineup includes DJ sets from London’s Mica Levi, Miami’s Nick León, Sweden via Bristol’s k means, Prague’s phil in a maze and Kraków newcomer jul.ci. There will also be an opening-night afterparty on Sunday October 1 in the small but vital Ukrainian-run bar Sekta Selekta, in Kazimierz, featuring bijū and Badalian b2b Venger – all Poland-based artists from Ukraine – and a DJ set from Ziúr. Both these events require a ticket apart from the festival pass, with proceeds from the Sekta Selekta event going to Starenki, supporting elderly people in Ukraine.
As mentioned, the Unsound discourse programme is now live, with a week of presentations, discussions and workshops exploring the spirit of DADA – and its shadow theme, DATA.
New additions include Andy Battaglia of ARTNews leading a discussion with Unsound artists, exploring the relevance of the Dada movement in today's world. Is it still possible to shock via art? Delegates from the Office for Postartistic Services will present Polish art projects blending avant-garde art with activism. Olga Drenda will channel Dada’s irreverence to meme her way through humour and politics in contemporary Poland ahead of the premiere of her new book. In the same vein, Günseli Yalcinkaya, Kieran Press-Reynolds and Gregor Różanski will host a TikTok viewing session. Luciano Chessa will bridge the worlds of Futurism and Dadaism, spotlighting Luigi Russolo's The Art of Noise, connections between noise and the occult, and his own Intonarumori reconstruction. GG Albuquerque will journey through the sonic landscapes of Brazilian funk. Ecology of Care will lead a talk on neurofuturism through a neuroqueer lens, examining the biases of emerging technologies and exploring the intersections of neurodiversity, accessibility and technology.
Registration forms for Unsound workshops are now available on our website. These include podcast workshops with Resident Advisor’s Chloe Lula and ideology generator workshops with Günseli Yalcinkaya and Kat Zavada. Soft Data workshops by Polish artist Maja Demska invite participants to treat their body as a data canvas to visualise the internal circulation of information.
Stand by for Failure - A Negativland Documentary will screen at Kino Pod Baranami alongside Negativland live show and artist talk. Following a live show at Ephemera Festival in Warsaw earlier this year, Ukrainian musician Heinali will present his album Kyiv Eternal as a film, with footage of pre-war Kyiv collected via an open call, assembled by Maryana Osnach in collaboration with Kachna Baraniewicz - also screening at Kino Pod Baranami. Ticket revenue from this event will go to Musicians Help Ukraine.
Weekly and Weekend Passes - SOLD OUT
1st Oct - WHIZZLECLANK - available
2nd Oct - GOBBLEFLIB - available
3rd Oct - SKRONKIFY - limited number left
4th Oct - SYMPOSPHERE - limited number left
5th Oct - ZOOBOPFIZZ - available
6th Oct - UNSOUND FASHION SHOW - available (pass doesn’t cover)
6th Oct - ZIGGLEWUMP - limited number left
7th Oct - MARGINAL CONSORT - limited number left (pass doesn’t cover)
7th Oct - FLIBBERTWIRL - limited number left
8th Oct - PLOSING CARTY - available (pass doesn’t cover)