
Laraaji was discovered by Brian Eno in the late 70s, resulting in the release of Laraaji’s "Day of Radiance" album on Eno’s famed Ambient series. Studying eastern mysticism, Laraaji turned his zither into an electronic instrument, which he started to play like a piano, and became one of the most recognisable faces of new age music. Later, he began recording music for meditation groups and presenting Laughter Meditation Workshops. Laraaji is coming to Unsound to conduct special yoga classes in the form of Peace Garden Sessions, to help deal with festival exhaustion. He will also lead a Celestial Sound Immersion session on Unsound’s final Sunday, in which the outdoor area around Hotel Forum will be turned into an expansive meditation space. If the weather is cold, we’ll all be meditating directly on the Room 1 dancefloor.


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