Beera Meiselsa 18, Kraków, Polska
Success Stories and Challenges - Presentations of Polish Artists
K-Punk: A Mark Fisher Reading Group I
K-Punk: A Mark Fisher Reading Group II
Discussion and Q&A: Agent, Booker or a Friend - The Challenges of Working for a Booking Agency
Individual Work With Mentors
Presentation and Q&A: Intellectual Property Rights and International Agreements for Artists and Their Agents
It’s on the Tip of my Tongue. Writing Workshop With a Resident Advisor Journalist
Presentation and Discussion: Publishing, Film Score and Synchronisation
Program Introduction and Presentation
Workshop: Safer Spaces - Advanced Group
Workshop: Xhoir
Workshop: Safe Space
Workshop: The Algorithmic Factory
Discussion: What Makes a Good Manager?
Presentation and Discussion: How To Seek Support for Your Artists and Expand Your Contact Base.
Independent Record Fair / Targi Małych Wydawców
Workshop: Nature Documentary Hacking
Workshop: Safer Spaces - All-embracing Meeting
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